Breast Milk: The Most Powerful Nutrition

Breast Milk: The Most Powerful Nutrition

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In 3 stages, perfect for your baby’s growth. 

A new mom produces what can be considered the perfect god-made formula of breast milk that works like the exact necessary key to a lock. 

A new mom’s breast milk is high on energy nutrients and the perfect formula for her newborn’s health and wellbeing.  Here are the three stages of breast milk:

The three are different stages of the same milk– the basic ingredients remain the same. While Colostrum is your baby’s starter milk, Mature milk is her long term nutrition. And Transitional milk is the bridge between both.   


The new mom’s first milk that lasts between the first 2 days and 4 days. Produced in mammary glands (breasts) it forms an important catalyst in building the newborn’s immune system. Colostrum is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and immunoglobulins (antibodies) that are vital in building the newborn’s immune system. Often termed ‘Liquid Gold’, not only for its valuable benefits, its dense vital nutrients but also for its signature golden color. And a tiny dose of it is like a booster shot of good health and immunity strength. 

The following ingredients in the Colostrum are the reason for its magic: 

  1. Immunoglobulin A (antibody) 
  2. Lactoferrin (protein that helps prevent infection) 
  3. Leukocytes (white blood cells) 
  4. Epidermal growth factor (protein that stimulates cell growth) 

Carotenoids (antioxidant) and Vitamin A give colostrum its characteristic color. Vitamin A plays a vital role in a baby's vision, skin and immune system. Magnesium content in it supports the baby's heart and bones, while copper and zinc also support immunity.

Transitional milk:

A new mom will make transitional milk starting from 2 - 5 days to upto 2 weeks after delivery.  It’s a mature milk which gradually replaces colostrum. New mom’s breasts become fuller, warmer and the milk color changes to bluish white. Though the basic ingredients remain the same during this period, the levels fluctuate on a daily basis depending upon the needs of the baby. Full of bioactive components that include cells, hormones and helpful bacteria, it’s not a simple transition to mature milk. The changes happen on a daily basis that fit the demands of your little one.  The quantity of milk production changes dramatically too, as compared to the Colostrum stage: a whopping 600 or 700 ml in over 24 hours. Higher levels of fat as well as increased lactose– a natural sugar to give the rapidly growing baby an energy boost.   

Mature milk:

There’s a remarkable adjusting in the composition of the milk during the Transitional stage of breast milk. It becomes fully mature by the end of the first  month. Its make-up doesn’t change much again, meaning it’s suitable for the baby whether the mom continues to breastfeed through the months and beyond a year.  


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